The Kid
Dir: Charles Chaplin
Scr: Charles Chaplin
Phot: Roland
Ed: Charles Chaplin
Premiere: Jan. 16,
53 min.
Chaplin was eager to make his first feature film, and he
planned a parent/child theme, half slapstick and half sentiment — what became The Kid.
At this point in his career, Chaplin was moving on past
short subjects, as well as contracts with companies that pressed him for fresh
material, ready or not. In January 1919 he formed United Artists with Douglas
Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, and D.W. Griffith. This move gave him and the others
creative freedom and autonomy. He took his time making The Kid — nearly an entire year was spent shooting footage that
boiled down to a little over an hour’s run time. (Chaplin recut the film later
for posterity, whittling it down to 53 minutes.)
The best of the early child actors was Jackie Coogan (best
known later as the original Uncle Fester, in TV’s The Addams Family). At the ripe young age of 5, he was chosen by
Charlie Chaplin to co-star in Chaplin’s most successful film, and his first
Now, I hate children in film. There is something
fundamentally off-putting for me about the presence of the squeaky-voiced
little ones on the big screen. Their cuteness is annoying as hell. They are
usually included in a film as convenient plot points or for the manipulation of
sentiment. Honest film work that depicts the complex, kaleidoscopic nature of
childhood is rare. However, Coogan is spontaneous and engaging, and makes the
movie work.
Chaplin nakedly depicts the catch-as-catch-can experience of
the poor. Undoubtedly, he drew on his own memories of growing up poverty-stricken,
practically homeless, without a stable parent or sufficient resources. He keeps
the framing functional and on a human scale, maximizing the warmth the
protagonists exude.
The story is simple, right out of Victorian-era melodrama.
An abandoned mother of a newborn leaves her baby in a rich man’s car, which is
stolen. The baby is left in an alley, where it is found by none other than
Chaplin’s Tramp character. After a short spurt of trying to get rid of it, the
Tramp relents and takes the child home to his squalid attic room.
Time passes, and now we see the Tramp and the Kid scraping a
happy living together. The Kid breaks windows, and the Tramp comes along and
repairs them. Only when the child becomes ill does the heedless claw of
bureaucracy stretch into their lives. The authorities invade their garret and
takes little Jackie away to the orphanage, spawning an epic pursuit and battle across
and through the city. The Tramp may be laughable, but his fierce love for his
adopted child is laudable. In the end, the child is reunited with the mother,
and the Tramp is put together with both.
Ironically, Coogan would find himself let down by his real
parents, who blew all his savings from his child-acting career, prompting the
creation of the Coogan Act, which mandated the protection of child performers’
In this film Chaplin successfully unites comedy and drama,
laughter and pathos. His confident and mature craftsmanship would only get
The NFR is one
writer’s attempt to review all the films listed in the National Film Registry
in chronological order. Next time: ‘Manhatta’.
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